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23 May 2020

How To Backup Docker Container Volumes Using Powershell Core

Backup each directory into a Tar file

  1. Login to the docker vm and elevate to root
  2. Launch Powershell Core


    If you don’t have powershell core installed, see Installing Powershell Core on Linux

  3. Open docker volumes directory

     cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/
  4. Compress each directory into a file with a corresponding name

     # store list of directories in a variable
     $directories = Get-ChildItem -Directory
     # list commands to be run
     $directories | ForEach-Object { echo "tar -cvzf $($ $($" }
     # run commands listed above
     $directories | ForEach-Object { tar -cvzf "$($" "$($" }
  5. Now you are free to download or move the tar files to a backup location for safe keeping.

Restore each Tar file back to their original directory

  1. Login to the docker vm and elevate to root
  2. Launch Powershell Core

  3. Open docker volumes directory

     cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/
  4. Copy/Move your backups (.tgz) files into the directory you want to restore them to.

     cp \temp\*.tgz /var/lib/docker/volumes/
     #note: replace \temp with the directory your backups are located in
  5. Uncompress each file into their original directory

     # store list of .tgz files in a variable
     $files = Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *.tgz
     # list commands to be run
     $files | ForEach-Object { echo "tar -zxvf $($" }
     # run commands listed above
     $files | ForEach-Object { tar -zxvf "$($" }
  6. Remove backups (IF NO LONGER NEEDED)

     rm *.tgz